Acting/Talent Experience:
1997,1998 - Bickford's Restaurant - commercial
2005 - Fear Factor Live - Contestant winner
2007 - Toyota/Spike Tv - Commercial
2008 - Pros Vs Joes - Contestant
2008 - NBC's Varsity Life - Guest Speaker
2008 - The Tomb - Extra
2008 - Scavenger (Reality Pilot) - Winner
Am I affiliated with unions?:
A major event in my life was:
When I was divorced in 2005, I was at a very low point in my life. My Ex-wife wanted nothing to do with me or our two children. My performance at work wasn't good for a while. My parents have been married for 40 years and I really thought I would be married once and never thought of the kids being from a broken home. I have custody of my 9 year old son CJ, and my 6 year old daughter Olivia, and I am in a relationship and we have a daughter, 18 mth Kalyn. I can handle what life throws at me!
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
Being selected to appear on Varsity Life with Frank Carpano. It was great to be on Pros Vs Joes, what made this special was that my performance on the show caught the attention of VL. It made me feel good that my appearance was worth talking about on live television.
The show highlights former high school standout athletes from RI and gives an update as to what they are doing now. Being selected to discuss my life and love of sports was a very proud moment for me.
An embarrassing story about me was:
I have always been a very competitive athlete, especially in Track and Field. As a senior in High School, in 1992, I had gone undefeated in dual and major meets in the High Jump and leading into the state meet I was talking major trash guaranteeing a state title. I told friends, classmates, relatives, and even newspapers. As the Karma GODS must've been listening, I finished 3rd and had months of verbal torture from everyone I was talking trash to. It was very embarrassing and humbling.
My favorite Movie:
Remember the Titans - It proves that you don't have to like eachother to come together and succeed.
My favorite TV Show:
Deal or No Deal/American Gladiators
My best Physical Trait is:
Personality - I can command any room, any time, anywhere, and with the biggest smile
Topics off limit to me at a party are:
I am a very open person. Unless it's about harming children or people with disabilities, I am open to all conversations.
Unless it's a party with co-workers, absolutely no SHOP TALKING. When you work 60 hours a week, the last I want to do is talk about work. It's painful and my pretty little ears can't take it!!!
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
I have always wanted to tattoo my children's names on my arms but I just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe after I win one these reality shows, I'll celebrate with a memorable tattoo :-)
The weirdest thing about me is:
For being my size and how competitive I am. People think it's weird that I am sensitive. I like romance, I like to be liked, I am very respectful to women.
Now that's whats people think, I think it's a sin to be this good looking and talented. Whatever sport I play, I win. What ever competition I get into, I reign supreme. It's very weird to be this good at everything I touch. Now I am bringing my skills to the world of reality TV.Omarosa did it with no talent, then I can with skills!
My friends would say my best qualities are:
That I don't stress out, I enjoy taking the lead on anything or project, I am very good at motivating and calming tense situations.
My girlfriend tells me all the time that the average guy doesn't think like me. As competitive and cocky that I am, I am not selfish. I give to myself last whether it's family, kids, siblings, etc. I make sure the ones closest to me are taken care of first. But if it's a competition, whoa, you better watch out for me.
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
I can be stubborn. I think my way is the best. I may eventually see it your way but it takes some faith on your part :-)
Friends would say I am overcompetitive. I was at my nephew's 8th birthday party at a skating rink, I was about play air hockey when a little kid came over challenged me. I completely forgot I was playing a little kid and beat him 7 - 0. My mother came over and yelled at me for not letting him score. But hey, you call me out, you suffer the consequences.
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
I like that I am competitive. Too many people give up too easy. I like a good challenge. That's why I want to get onto one of these shows. I want to showcase my own talent, but I want to compete against other strong people.
My bosses always tell me that my drive and energy are second to none. I have always had to ability to excel in any situation and rise above all obstacles.
Winning truly is the only thing, losing sucks. No one is remembered for how they play game.
The personality traits I like least about myself are:
I see the bad in people before I see the good. I am an optimist but I have a hard time trusting people because I compare them to me. Once again, I may be over-competitive but you can't get what you want in life without working hard for it. Some people hate my competitiveness but it's just jealousy that they don't have it.
I am also stubborn, I have been a manager for a long time, and through my lack of trust illustrated above, I have a hard time seeing someone else's point of view.
Miscellaneous Information:
I am not looking for 20 more minutes of fame. I want to be a part of something special that the whole world can witness and be a part of.
I have a burning need to showcase my talent. I have wanted to be a "reality star" ever since the shows first began. I had a taste of PVJ3 and now I want more. I don't want to be famous, I just want everyone to know my name. When I get my shot, there's no holding me back.