Monkeyman88 is a <strong>Fan</strong>


Male, 30, bothell WA

About Me

Acting/Talent Experience:
No acting experience not really any Talents except making people laugh!
Am I affiliated with unions?:
A major event in my life was:
2 years ago was really into drugs and it took over my life! and now i appreciate life more! family and friends!
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
Getting Clean and staying off of drugs! and proud that im going to be a Father in 7 months!
An embarrassing story about me was:
I was at a club in seattle this one time dancing the night away! and for us guys when we get excited in the pants we or I like to put it up against my belt and stomach to hide the erection! and i was dancing with my hands in the air. and having my hands up high will surely bring the bottom of my shirt up a good foot! and so i noticed it was very much visible to the group of girls dancing in front of me!
My favorite Movie:
The Laberynth
My favorite TV Show:
Real World of course!
My best Physical Trait is:
My penis! and my warm smile!
Topics off limit to me at a party are:
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
Nope not one and im proud of it!
The weirdest thing about me is:
Im just extremely goofy in every sort of way! and im really comfortable with my sexuality and can talk with girls about guys and how attractive they are! but im 100% strait!
My friends would say my best qualities are:
Nice, Giving, Sweet, very attractive! Fun and easy going!
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
My anger, my mouth, how stubborn i am! Smoking and drinking to much! and acting a fool!
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
My open mind! My charisma
The personality traits I like least about myself are:
I can be really lazy sometimes and unmotivated!
Miscellaneous Information:
I almost always get along great with others! but sometimes i find someone who hates me with a passion for no reason! I think its because they are jealous!