Christian Okoye, a native in Nigeria, is a former NFL running back for the Kansas City Chiefs. Nicknamed "The Nigerian Nightmare", Okoye holds a place in their hall of fame. He has stayed active in his home state of California and put it on hold to join the crew of Pirate Master. His voyage was cut short as he was the 2nd to be cut adrift on this past week's episode. Christian sits down with us to talk about his time aboard the Picton Castle.
RC: Why does an ex-NFL player want to be on "Pirate Master"? What drew you to this show?
Christian: They called and asked me if I would be interested in being on the show and because of my location and the type of show. I said yes.
RC: I read your bio and you were quite a good NFL player in your time. What was the highlight of your career?
Christian: There were two highlights in my career. First, was going to the Pro Bowl - to be in that league is extremely difficult. Also, being the lead in the Russian League in �89 was a great accomplishment.
RC: The pirates felt your size worked against you in terms of speed yet the NFL thought you were quick for your size. Why do you think you were slow in the last expedition?
Christian: The show is not about how fast you are, it is about the clues you receive and getting through the challenges. Physically, nothing really slowed me down.
RC: Were you prepared for the physical aspect of the show?
Christian: Yes, I work out everyday and follow a good diet.
RC: You didn't seem too eager to get close to the snakes during the expedition - did you want to maintain a distance?
Christian: I don't mind snakes. I mean, everyone is a little scared of them but I did not shy away from the snakes during the competition. I chose to hold the snakes back and make sure my teammates were protected while they looked for the treasure.
RC: How is Joe Don still captain? Aren't his days numbered?
Christian: Yes, his days are numbered. He isn't the best captain and because the way the show is set up, it is hard to mutiny.
RC: Is there a reason the crew won't mutiny?
Christian: In order to mutiny, everyone has to agree on it including the officers.
RC: What was the best part of being on the ship?
Christian: The best part of the show was being on the ship. That is something you don't get to do everyday. Also, I made some good friends, such as Louie. He's a great guy and we will stay in touch.
RC: Where can we find you now?
Christian: I have three jobs that keep me busy. First I run a children's foundation called OkoyeFoundation.org. Second, I run a nutrition company called Okoyefitness.com. Finally, I started Californiasportshalloffame.org where I am the president.
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