The accomplishment I am most proud of:
I'm most proud of finally going to college to get my associates degree in human services and not giving up. I will continue to get my bachelors and masters.
An embarrassing story about me was:
LAWD!!!!!! I was standing in the checkout line at KMart and the woman asked me if I wanted my receipt. I went to tell her no....and then.....something fell from my mouth. I knew it wasn’t gum because I wasn’t chewing anything! Then...GASP! I realized my mouth felt funny. It was my tooth. My crown fell off and had me looking like beetlejuice. It bounced of the counter on the floor and I went chasing after it! Someone tight it was change and tried to help me! NOOOO!
My favorite Movie:
Man on fire
My favorite TV Show:
My best Physical Trait is:
My back
Topics off limit to me at a party are:
Race, politics
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
Yes. I have a Polynesian tattoo, a cross with wings and a small dragon tattoo.
The weirdest thing about me is:
Nothing weird
My friends would say my best qualities are:
My humor. I’m quite the sarcastic one always making a joke.
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
I have no filter, I say what I want to say.
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
All of them?
The personality traits I like least about myself are:
Miscellaneous Information:
I’m an adrenaline junkie. I love challenges. I love helping people which is why I chose to help mentally handicapped young adults. Giving back to the community is very important to whatever way I can. I’m also a foodie! I travel to as many places as I can with my sister( food crawl) and we enjoy trying new things!